Nodwyddau/pinnau marcio niwmatig wedi'u haddasu
Gall ddatrys problemau peiriant marcio gydag arwyneb crwm arwyneb gwastad, darn gwaith bach a chaledwch uchel
Gweithgynhyrchu Cyflenwad Sganiwr Galfanomedr Laser 10mm Galvo Sganio Pen ar gyfer Peiriant Marcio Laser 30W
Mae Sganiwr Galfanomedr Chuke yn sganiwr galfanomedr 10mm cost-effeithiol iawn. Yn ogystal â phrisiau cystadleuol, mae ganddo berfformiad da hefyd, sydd gyda'r perfformiad rhagorol. It has the characteristics of good linearity, small temperature drift, high precision, fast speed, good stability and strong anti-interference ability. It can meet 90% of the requirements of fiber laser applications, is one of the very widely used galvanometer scanners, and enjoys a good reputation and satisfaction among many users. A yw eich Datrysiad Engrafiad Torri Marc Laser Delfrydol.